I am a passionate and driven leader working where management meets Information Technology. As Head of BIM at Axpo Grid, I lead the adoption of digital methods for construction and operation of power systems in one of the biggest grid operators of Switzerland. I am also co-founder and core developer of the City Energy Analyst (CEA), a fascinating energy engineering software used to optimize urban energy systems in over 20 countries. My mission is to leverage digital technologies to create solutions that add a strong value to companies.

In addition to my role at Axpo Grid, I am also a lecturer in innovation leadership at the ETH Zürich, where I mentor young engineers, managers, and computer scientists on how to bring new software products to the market. I also provide courses on software development and energy systems analysis to consultants and research teams. In the past, I have conducted several projects in the areas of data analysis, machine learning, software development, and energy systems analysis. I have a PhD in urban energy systems from the ETH Zürich, and I have completed several certifications in Information Technology and agile project management. I have also received multiple grants and awards for my academic and professional projects, including an prediction algorithm part of the 4th IPCC Report on Climate Change. I have strong skills in management and software development and I enjoy collaborating with diverse and multidisciplinary teams.

On this website, you will find more information about projects, courses, and publications. A warm welcome!

Dr. Jimeno Fonseca
Head of BIM - Axpo Grid
Dozent - ETH Zürich
Co-Founder - Superurbana LLC
Co-Inventor - City Energy Analyst

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